Rally to Protest Vaccine Passports to Be Held at Minnesota State Capitol


A rally to protest vaccine passports will be taking place at the Minnesota State Capitol on September 26 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The rally features speaker Del Bigtree, the founder of Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN).

ICAN’s founder said he is passionate about medical freedom because of the founding of the United States.

Bigtree said, “Our founding fathers fought against tyranny to realize the dream of a great and free nation. It is time for the free people of the greatest nation on earth to stand up for our freedom to choose what’s healthy for our own bodies, before the industrial agriculture and pharmaceutical industries pass laws that force those decisions upon us.”

ICAN has been offering legal counsel for those who are experiencing discrimination regarding their vaccination status. The network has also been tracking vaccine injuries. Furthermore, ICAN has been conducting research on the COVID vaccine and sharing it with the public.

The rally is also being put on by Stop The Mandate MN, a collective of Minnesota employees who are participating in legal action against various healthcare employers for mandating the COVID vaccine.

One of the event organizers, Mark Bishofsky, told The Minnesota Sun, “I am just a regular American. An extraordinary dad and respiratory therapist with 23 years of experience who is not going to comply with anything surrounding these mandates.”

This is not the first medical freedom protest hosted in Minnesota. Rallies have taken place at local hospitals on a near-weekly basis and a large rally drawing thousands was held at the capitol building in St. Paul in August.

Bishofsky encouraged people to attend the upcoming rally saying, “Ordinary Americans have the power to make change.”

He said, “All we need to do is be fearless and courageous. We must find all other like minded folks to join us. For every person standing up to fight, there are hundreds at home hoping we do the hard work of protesting. I call on everyone to stand up with us and come out to these protests.”

He also called on Minnesota legislators to sign the pledge to stop the COVID vaccine mandates and asked people to call their legislators daily to encourage them to do so.

Bishofsky shared a John Adams quote that says, “It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather, an irate and tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” He continued, “Join me and start setting those fires.”

Bishofsky told The Sun, “We the people are the only ones who can stop this. It is about much more than one jab and one job. It is about censorship, freedom of speech, freedom to assemble and freedom to choose what goes in your body.”

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Hayley Tschetter is a reporter with The Minnesota Sun | Star News Network. Follow Hayley on Twitter or like her Facebook page. Send news tips to [email protected].
Photo “Minnesota State Capitol” by Ken Lund. CC BY-SA 2.0.








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